About Ethiopian History

About Ethiopian History

Ethiopia is a land of everlasting mysteries in its geology, in the variety of its animal and plant life, in its tumultuous national history and the well-off culture of its people. House of worship scholars reckon Ethiopian History spans 7,506 years going by its own chronology and calendar, from the time of Genesis to the current. The name Ethiopia, meaning “land of burnt face" in Greek, according to one origin, was already known in 3,000 B.C. Records going back to 6,000 years tell of Egyptian diplomatic missions and trade expeditions to dribble. This was a empire on the Horn of Africa that flourished for a thousand years, controlling both sides of the Red Sea from centers in what is present day Ethiopia Archaeological conclusion be plentiful in Ethiopia, covering sites stretching in the Rift Valley from the Omo River Valley in the southwest to the Afar Depression in the northeast. These consist of hominid remains dating up to four million years old, some of the earliest man-made tools ever recorded and marks of human arrangement said to be no less than one and a half million years old. All this has bring in Ethiopia the nickname “cradle of mankind! “


The story of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon recounted in the Old Testament and elaborated at great length in the Ethiopian epic, The Glory of the Kings (Kebre Negest), the rest of the world universally acknowledges 3000 years of Ethiopian civilization. Comparing the history of most of the countries of the world, a national legacy of even 3000 years is quite astonishing. This is especially so when that means an never-ending and self-sufficient march of the history of a people, organized as a polity, answering to very much the same set of self-identifying values and signs, and occupying more or less the same geographical area.

Contact Info

Managing Director: Temesgen Agumas
Mobile: +251 918 026386 / 923 439870
P.O.Box: 1260
Address: Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Email: info@bona-fideethiopiatours.com , temesgean@yahoo.com